The Wonder Dome
The Wonder Dome
#123 To Sleep, Perchance to Wake (with Jeff Lieberman)

#123 To Sleep, Perchance to Wake (with Jeff Lieberman)

Jeff Lieberman is the co-founder of Sleepawake Camp. A play on the “sleep away camp,” Sleepawake is a boot camp for the body, heart, and mind. The summer program is geared towards people ages 18 to 27 who are ready to learn all of the things that are never taught in school: conflict resolution, emotional regulation, mindful communication, and so much more.

Jeff, along with his co-founder (and former Wonder Dome guest) Cat Tweedie have run the camp for a year, and it was amazingly successful in its first season. It is a powerful container for young people who carry a sense that something's missing from our culture, that are maybe looking around going, is this it?

Over the past 15 years, Jeff’s been training in meditation, personal development, and group dynamics for well-being. He creates spaces where others can tap into their own wisdom and insight, using art to inspire wonder and awe. He also beautifully and authentically speaks to the decade-plus he spent navigating deep depression despite seemingly having it all together from the outside.

This year, Sleepawake Camp runs from June 17 to July 16, 2023. If you’re between the ages of 18-27 and long for that kind of depth and connection to life, to your sense of purpose and well-being, submit an application online. There are many, many others who are asking the question, “Is this all there is?” and finding the answer to be no. There's so much more.

Show Notes:
Ep #98 Camping in the Heartlands (with Cat Tweedie)
Learn more about Jeff’s art:

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The Wonder Dome
The Wonder Dome
Increasing awareness. Deepening presence. Activating wonder. To be able for the times ahead and the times already here.