The Wonder Dome
The Wonder Dome
#126 Leading with Design (with Jee Chang)

#126 Leading with Design (with Jee Chang)

The Wonder Dome is back after our summer hiatus! And we're kicking off the fall with Jee Chang - a leadership coach, creative director, designer, and professor who teaches at Parsons School of Design, The New School, and the Pratt Institute. She’s also the founder and leadership director of UME, an inside-out brand consultancy that works with radical visionaries and vanguard organizations to build a more regenerative and inclusive future.

Our conversation works at the intersection of design and leadership, asking the question: How do we design our spaces, work, and identity to reflect - perhaps even to elevate - our deeply held values?

Jee in particular is committed to elevating principles of feminine leadership. She sees this as the work of bringing people together to move hearts and minds to a place where business becomes a vehicle for the greater good, as opposed to competing with a greater good.

Jee also carries the wonderful capacity to enter tough conversations and to say what needs to be said, doing so in a way that calls people in rather than simply calling them out. If you're exploring the intersections of art and leadership, of design and identity, then Jee is going to light you up.

Show Notes:

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The Wonder Dome
The Wonder Dome
Increasing awareness. Deepening presence. Activating wonder. To be able for the times ahead and the times already here.