The Wonder Dome
The Wonder Dome
#127 Life Without a Tie (with Ray Martin)

#127 Life Without a Tie (with Ray Martin)

This wonderful and inspiring conversation with Ray Martin has been a long time coming - and I'm so excited to finally share it with you!

Ray is the living embodiment of these powerful questions:

What would happen if you released your ties to your professional identity? How would you direct yourself through life without the steady paycheck, the usual comforts, the predictable conditions, and the familiar routines?

Ray's book, Life Without a Tie, beautifully explores how he came to his own answers when faced with a deeply disruptive personal circumstance that forced him to let go of his identity as a successful, award-winning business leader and entrepreneur. What he did next was a journey of openness, humility, surprising coincidences, and a newfound sense of self.

Ray is a born storyteller.  There were several moments during our conversation when I was moved to the edge of tears. Listen in to hear about the incredible, unbelievable opportunities that emerged as Ray navigated through depression and embraced the part of him that was ready to let go of old ways and explore something new.

If you find yourself in a similar moment of transition or disruption, I hope that this conversation and Ray's writings might inspire you to live your questions and find your own answers, even if it means letting go of much of who you thought you were.

Please note that it was recorded several months ago, and does not reflect current crises in Israel/Gaza, Armenia, or Sudan. As always, The Wonder Dome stands for a world where humanity and its wonderful diversity of cultures can thrive and co-exist. If you'd like to join me in supporting displaced people around the globe, please consider making a donation to the UN Refugee Agency:

Show Notes:
The Calling All Angels Foundation 

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The Wonder Dome
The Wonder Dome
Increasing awareness. Deepening presence. Activating wonder. To be able for the times ahead and the times already here.