The Wonder Dome
The Wonder Dome
#128 Art as Sacred Practice (with Cheryl Ntumy)

#128 Art as Sacred Practice (with Cheryl Ntumy)

Cheryl Ntumy is deeply committed to art as a vehicle for self-understanding and collective cultural growth. Her writing ranges widely, traversing everything from romance to speculative fiction. She speaks powerfully to writing as a journey into true empathy and understanding of yourself and others - across cultures, across identities, across time and space.

We have a rich conversation about the ways in which art is "a kind of religion" that has its roots in the beautiful diversity of human cultures, while also transcending them. Art points us towards the universal truths underlying existence. And accessing those truths is an act of monastic-like devotion: always returning to the page, to the canvas, to the studio, to the instrument.

If you long for a life with more meaning and creativity, then join us for this deep dive into the sacred practice of making art.

Please note this was recorded several months ago, and does not reflect current crises in Israel/Gaza, Armenia, or Sudan. As always, The Wonder Dome stands for a world where humanity and its wonderful diversity of cultures can thrive and co-exist. If you'd like to join me in supporting displaced people around the globe, please consider making a donation to the UN Refugee Agency:

Show Notes:
Godmother by Cheryl Ntumy (via Apex Magazine)
Soap by Cheryl Ntumy (via Petlwana Journal of Creative Writing)
Hobbits and the Hard Right: How Fantasy Inspires Italy’s Potential New Leader (via NYT)

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The Wonder Dome
The Wonder Dome
Increasing awareness. Deepening presence. Activating wonder. To be able for the times ahead and the times already here.