The Wonder Dome
The Wonder Dome
#130 Mindfulness and Menopause (with Edi Pasalis)

#130 Mindfulness and Menopause (with Edi Pasalis)

It's a joy to be joined by my dear friend, the inspiring Edi Pasalis. Edi is a mindfulness teacher, a yoga teacher, and a leadership practitioner.  Arguably, she is the person who gave me my first job in the world of leadership development that I inhabit pretty robustly now. By inviting me to join the leadership team with Kripalu's RISE program, Edi opened this doorway, so generously and beautifully into a world that has changed my life and also changes many others.

Right now, Edi is stepping more fully into this phase of her own life and journey.  Edi takes me into the world of menopause and what the common narrative of it is, and how isolating and pathologizing that can be. I learned so much from Edi about the ways in which the conventional narrative around menopause is actually deeply harmful for a lot of women - and by extension, deeply harmful for all of us as a society.  It can take these human beings, these elder women who are navigating this phase in their life who have so much wisdom and sort of push them off to the side.

It's really a tragedy, and I love how Edi is standing again, in the same way that she did for me and so many others, and saying, I see what maybe others haven't seen yet. I invite you join her and see what she sees.

Please note this was recorded several months ago, and does not reflect current crises in Israel/Gaza, Armenia, or Sudan. As always, The Wonder Dome stands for a world where humanity and its wonderful diversity of cultures can thrive and co-exist. If you'd like to join me in supporting displaced people around the globe, please consider making a donation to the UN Refugee Agency:

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The Wonder Dome
The Wonder Dome
Increasing awareness. Deepening presence. Activating wonder. To be able for the times ahead and the times already here.