The Wonder Dome
The Wonder Dome
#131 Becoming a Father, Being a Son (with Mike Trugman)

#131 Becoming a Father, Being a Son (with Mike Trugman)

Host of Mike's Search for Meaning, coach, and longtime supporter of the Wonder Dome, Mike Trugman has gone through a beautiful journey of growth and transformation of reorienting his career to include space for deep inner work for coaching, health and wellness, mindfulness, while coming from a background in accounting and finances.  He skillfully stands in both worlds now with a lot of curiosity and willingness to invite others into his own journey for growth.

When Mike reached out to see if we could do a Wonder Dome conversation together, I immediately said yes. An ongoing curiosity for myself as a father of three kids, was how Mike was emerging into that identity with his first child on the way and also having done some meaningful work to negotiate a deeper connection with his own father.

There's a beautiful sense of intergenerational growth and connection that Mike is standing for from a place of curiosity and love, and a real willingness to go straight towards some of the hardest topics that are easy to avoid. Mike goes towards these topics beautifully,  and we had a fun, enlightening conversation about how to navigate being a man, a parent, and a son at this moment in time.

Show Notes:
Listen to Mike's Search for Meaning
#28 - Andy Cahill on Dreaming Big & the Healing Power of Internal Family Systems (IFS)
#100 - Alan Trugman (Dad, Poppy, Best Pal) on Creating a Family Culture, Masculinity, & How to Raise a Child

Connect with Andy:

The Wonder Dome
The Wonder Dome
Increasing awareness. Deepening presence. Activating wonder. To be able for the times ahead and the times already here.