The Wonder Dome
The Wonder Dome
#140 The Transformed Leader (with Amy Elizabeth Fox)

#140 The Transformed Leader (with Amy Elizabeth Fox)

This week we welcome back Amy Fox, CEO and co-founder of Mobius Executive Leadership. Amy is a beacon of transformational leadership and a steward of spaces where healing and growth flourish. She joined us recently for a conversation about trauma-informed leadership, and what makes today’s episode special is that this conversation was recorded almost two years ago. For a variety of reasons we weren’t able to publish at that time, but we’re excited to finally be able to share this enlightening conversation with you today as a bonus episode.

If you haven’t yet heard my previous conversation with Amy, this episode will serve as a wonderful companion piece. Amy shares insights on the importance of respecting defense mechanisms, the innate desire for connection, and the power of creating safe spaces — even virtually — that can be felt across continents. As we navigate the complexities of leadership in a world that’s both charted and uncharted, Amy’s voice is both a guide and a gentle reminder that we are all walking each other home.

Let’s get settled in and hear what Amy has for us.

"The Journey" by Mary Oliver

One day you finally knew
What you had to do, and began, 
Though the voices around you
Kept shouting
Their bad advice, 
Though the whole house
Began to tremble
And you felt the old tug
At your ankles. 
"Mend my life!"
Each voice cried. 
But you didn't stop. 
You knew what you had to do, 
Though the wind pried
With its stiff fingers
At the very foundations, 
Though their melancholy
Was terrible. 
It was already late
Enough, and a wild night, 
And the road full of fallen
branches and stones. 
But little by little, 
As you left their voices behind, 
The stars began to burn
Through the sheets of clouds, 
And there was a new voice, 
Which you slowly
Recognized as your own, 
That kept you company
As you strode deeper
Into the world, 
Determined to do
The only thing you could do, 
Determined to save
The only life you could save. 

Show Notes:

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The Wonder Dome
The Wonder Dome
Increasing awareness. Deepening presence. Activating wonder. To be able for the times ahead and the times already here.